






Prosecution document No. 2772-E-3 will be given exhibit No. 2118 for identification only, and the marked excerpt therefrom, bearing the same document number, will receive exhibit No. 21

德坡上校(Major Depo


In this document the witness relates the massacre of civilians and prisoners of war, European and Indo-Chinese. Among them were two French women and a child of three months.


 阿维塞丹尼斯·亚历山大(Avisse Denise, Alexandrine)的宣誓证词,其是罗吉斯元帅(第四殖民炮兵联队)阿维塞·皮埃尔的妻子(Avisse Denise, Alexandrine, wife of Marshall des Logis (4 RAC) Avisee Pierre)。192777日生于兰贝塞莱克(LambezellecFinistere)),是奥古斯特·路易·阿尔伯特和西蒙·菲洛门尼的女儿(Daugheter of Proux Augeste, Louis, Albert and of Simon Philomene),现居住于法国的凯拉兰兰贝塞莱克(Karallan-Lambezellec)(Finistere)。

With the Court's permission I will read the marked excerpts:

" Affidavit of Avisse Denise, Alexandrine, wife of Marshal des Logis (4 RAC) Avisse Pierre. Born the 7th July 1927 at Lambezellec (Finistere). Daughter of Proux Augeste, Louis, Albert and of Simon Philomene. Domiciled in France at Kerallan-Lambezellec (Finistere).

我、我的丈夫和儿子(一个三个月大的婴儿)住在谅山格特内格尔路(Langson, Gouttengere Road)。"

I lived at Langson, Gouttenegre Road, with my husband and my son (a baby of three months).


" The 12th in the morning, once the firing had ceased, a French NCO came to fetch us from the shelter.


" A Franch officer, whose name I do not know, introduced us to the Japanese officer. This latter told us that he did not take women prisoners and that we could go.


" As soon as we were outside the gates of the post, the Japanese stopped us with their bayonets. I made a sign to the French officer that the Japanese would not let us go. The Japanese officer made a sign to his soldiers to let us pass. After having gone through the gates for a second time and taken a few steps in the road, a Japanese drew a line in the road with his sword and forbade us to go beyond it.


" We went back to the post. We were grouped with the wounded who were guarded by the Japanese.


" Among the wounded were two French NCOs, one wounded in the face and the other in the legs. The latter, not being able to walk, asked his comrade to give him a piece of stick to help him to walk. His comrade, having given him the stick, a Japanese came up and took it away.

我们朝着市场的方向前进,腿部受伤的人面部受伤的战友搀扶。我们走到一个介于市场和分队区(subvision之间的地方,并在此停了下来,一个日本人离开队伍,去查看分队区小墙附近的战壕。其余人继续往前走,绕过市场,在市场和堡垒之间停了下来,另一个日本人离开队伍,去查看市场和堡垒之间的战壕。然后他重新加入了队伍,并没有朝着堡垒的入口方向前进而是朝着相反的方向行进,向着三元帅酒店(Hotel of the Three Marshals)走去。我们经过大楼,来到士官俱乐部(Officers Club的院子里。这个地方有一条壕沟,日本人命令我们进去。当所有人都进去之后,他们抢劫了我们。一个日本人残忍地拉着我孩子的一只胳膊,想把他的小手镯摘下来。我不得不告诉梅西尔夫人Madame Mercier把它摘下来,以免对我儿子实施这些暴行。

" We went in the direction of the market. The man wounded in the legs was helped by his comrade who was wounded in the face. We came to a place between the market and the subdivision where we stopped, a Japanese detached himself from the group and went to look at the trenches near the little wall of the subdivision. The detachment went forward again, skirted the market, stopped between the market and the Citadel, another Japanese left the ranks and went to see the trenches which were between the market and the Citadel. He then rejoined the group and instead of taking the direction of the entrance gate to the Citadel took up in an opposite direction, leading to the Hotel of the Three Marshals. We went by the building and arrived in the courtyard of the Officers Club. There was a trench at this place and the Japanese ordered us to get into it. When everyone was inside, they looted us. A Japanese brutally pulled one arm of my child to take off his little bracelet. I was obliged to tell Madame Mercier to take it off in order to avoid these brutalities to my son.


When this operation was over, the Japanese fired on us at point blank range. Madame Mercier, who was behind me, received a bullet in the back and was killed outright. At the same time I received the first bullet in the left side and I sank down to the ground, a second bullet broke the left arm and split my son's skull while I was holding him in my arms. A third bullet broke my right wrist.


" When the butchery was over the Japanese stayed there about five minutes and then went away thinking that everyone was dead.


" After their departure, two sharpshooters who were amongst the victims (there were about 15 of us) managed to escape to the river's bank. Madame Mercier was leaning on me but I managed to extricate myself and went to see if the two NCOs were dead. They gave no sign of life. Hearing a noise I came back to take up my place. The Japanese came back to the trench. Probably they realized that there were two sharpshooters missing and began to check up to see if everyone was dead. They turned Madame Mercier on her back and then seeing that I had no blood on my back they turned me over with their swords at the bottom of the trench. One of them called me 'Mademoiselle.' I pretended to be dead. This operation completed they went away. After they had gone an Annamite came down into the trench and. came to search me. I made no sign. My handbag was beside me and he took it and left the trench. Finding nothing inside he threw it away. After waiting a moment I decided to leave the trench if possible. I covered my child over with his little coat and I slid up to the side of the trench.

现提交宪兵队(Taputuarai Tetani)的宣誓证词以供验明,即检方文件2772-E-4号,且提交该文件标记的摘录部分作为证据。

The affidavit of Taputuarai Tetani, prosecution document No. 2772-E-4, is offered for identification and the marked excerpts offered in evidence.