


典  藏  龚  滩


 翻译: 徐建纲教授(获湖北省翻译学会三等奖)


 序     【龚滩印象】

 第一章 【人文龚滩】

 第二章 【山水龚滩】

 第三章 【风情龚滩】

 跋     【发展龚滩】












The Magnificent Hardcover Picture Album

Gongtan to be treasured

---the Utopia for earthling

Contents of Gongtan to be treasured

Preface:  the impression of Gongtan

Chapter 1: Humanistic Gongtan

Chapter 2: Landscape scenery in Gongtan

Chapter 3: National customs in Gongtan

Epilogue: The Developing Gongtan

The title page

Dear friends, have you ever been to Apeng River?

Dear friends, have you ever been to Wujiang River?

Dear friends, have you ever been to Gongtan?

If you come to Apeng River,

You will be shocked by its mystery;

If you come to Wujiang River,

You will be allured by its glamour;

If you come to Gongtan,

You will be attracted by its history;

Come on, dear friends,

Let’s come to Gongtan together---




The impression of Gongtan

Located in the Coast of Wujiang River and under the Phoenix Mountain, there is a mystical place with a captivating charm to send you carefree and joyous. For 1700 years, all the shipping in the place lies in one river where all the boats from upstream and downstream berth in, exchange goods and then set sail again. The past pedestrians resign themselves and property to the singing boatman who voyage with ease between the dangerous shoal and the terrifying waves when the boat tracker’s loud songs resounded in the canyon. This is the first cultural town in Chongqing—the ancient Gongtan Town.


In that mystical place there is a two-kilometer-long bluestone road, which bears the sweat and toil of countless heavers and the sorrowful tears of girls on their wedding; the graceful tune of MuYe love songs and the joyous rhyme of hand—swinging dance reverberates in that place; hardships and happiness, mystery and fantasy full in that place. Nowadays, when people set foot on the ancient stone road, they feel like the distant dream world naturally. And this is the ancient town of Gongtan.


There is a mystical place where the Pile-dwelling constructions and stilt houses constitute the exclamatory harmony between man and nature in that ancient town of millennium.  The ancient flavor and charm still remain in that place. This is the place where the Tujia nationality lives in for generations, where retains the original relic of Tujia ancestors, where inherits the essence of china’s ancient architecture idea: make the best use of circumstance, full of change, nestles under the mountain and near the water and pursues the tranquility of life. This is the ancient town Gongtan.


There is such a magical place that carries the past glory and lost of history. The construction of WuJiangpeng hydropower station did not make the former QianGongtan become history. The people here turn a negative into a positive: they move the whole town to and rebuilt it in the Small Silver Beach that is 1.5 kilometers downstream, which continues the past history, the memory and the legend of the town, and maintains the constant flourish and prosperity. Located at the foot of Phoenix Mountain, the ancient town just like phoenix nirvana that is destined to reborn from the ash! This is the ancient town Gongtan.

 有这样一个神奇的地方,在拥有一座座奇峰异峦好山的同时,还拥有好水乌江百里画廊和阿蓬江国家湿地公园,这里的山河集泰岳之雄伟、庐山之奇幻、华山之险峭、黄山之烟云、武夷之秀逸。尤其是乌江纤夫的风采,土家人的欢歌摆手令人流连忘返。这里的大山密林深处仍然保留着原生态的土家族和苗族山寨,依然可以观赏到婀娜多姿诱人的民族风情;这里还有一片幅员辽阔的苍蒲盖高山大草原,让人仿佛置身塞外,倾心领略 “风吹草低见牛羊”的草原风情。清代诗人梅若翁赞叹这里:“蜀中山水奇,应推此第一”。这就是大龚滩景区!

There is such a magical place where grotesque mountains range there while the famous Wu River and APeng River National Wetland Park are also located. The rivers and mountains here have combined the magnificence of Taishan Mount, fantasy of Lushan Mountain, precipitousness of Huashan Mountain,mistyscenery of Mount Huang, and elegance of Wuyi Mountain. The boat trackers on Wujiang River as well as Tujia ethnic minority’s singing and dancing make the tourists linger on. Deep in theforests still retains the original and primitive Tujia ethnic minority and Miao nationality’s cottages. Tourists can still watch the graceful and attractive ethnic customs. There is also a vast alpine steppecovered with calamus, making people feel like being beyond the Great Wall and experiencing the prairie style of “wind-swept pastures sheep and cattle”. The poetMei Ruoweng of Qing Dynasty had ever praised it: “Among Sichuansfantastic landscapes, this should be the top one.” And this is the GongtanScenic!


There is such a magical place, her beauty lies in that it carries the culture and stimulates the mind! She is always waiting for people to explore again and again, and become the most suitablehuman scenic landscapes for living, tourism and commerce. Coming into here just like entering a paradise, into a completely new world! Here is the origin if to draw a circle, then, with the bordering four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou are all on herbeautiful ring, and then radiating to the whole country, affecting the whole world. Fantasticmountains! Beautiful water! Magnificent style!This is the glamorous GongtanScenic!



Chapter 1: Humanistic Gongtan

Located in the east coach of Wu River, the confluence between Wu River and Apeng River, the ancient Gongtan town belongs to the Youyang Tujia and Miao autonomous country in Chongqing. The Gongtan town faces the Yanhe in Guizhou across the river, 200 km away from Chongqing. Gongtan, was one of the famous rapids in Wujiang River, is a town of 1,700 years of history. In history, the several rises and falls create this important town near Wujiang River in the cliffs of Xia River. Gongtan town, the first historic and cultural town in Chongqing and one of the ten tourist towns, is the model of integration between original ecology and folk customs, landscape and history. Gongtan town is the bright pearl in Wujiang River gorge and the tourist attraction.


Gongtan town has a long history. It used to be the territory where the ancestors of Tujia nationality, Ba live in. Gongtan formally named Gongtuan(Tuan means rapid in Chinese). The Wujiang River is rapid and the most inhabitants there surnamed Gong, thus people combine the two factors together and name it Gongtuan. People also name it after the legend that the two brothers of Wulong family cut through the hills to bring in water (in Chinese, the character Long and Gong constitute Gong). In Ming Dynasty, the Phoenix mountain of Wujiang River collapsed, blocked the river and thus formed the rapid coach; people name it Gongtan and still use it until today. As its special geographical location, Gongtan is the place for business from of old, is the transportation hub of waterway that connect Sichuan and Chongqing, Hunan and Hubei. A great deal of native products of Sichuan, Guizhou and Hunan are transported at Gongtan by Wujiang River to the Yangtze River and then to Peiling, Chongqing, Hankou and so on. Meanwhile, a large number of Sichuan salt, sugar , tobacco and wine are transported between the three provinces, which promotes prosperity of market and creates the reputation of Money Gongtan. The prosperous markets naturally give birth to the establishment of the town, which gradually evolves into today’s Gongtan.


Staying in Gongtan, the visitors may feel strongly the two major features of humanistic Gongtan: time solidifies on the flagging and in the stilt houses. The wisdom Gongtan inhabitants, with their amazing courage, follow the law of climatic condition and the topography, cut the stone to pave the road and establish the wonder of the town in the steep canyon in Ba-Yu region. Their diligence and wisdom create the history as profound as the rock, and as glorious as the sun.


The blue flagstone street in Gongtan that is founded in the Southern Song Dynasty is no more than three or four meters in wide, but two meters in narrow. Ups and downs along the river, its width changes also. The stone road now looks like the jade that is brilliant enough to reflect one’s image after hundreds of years. As the artery road in history, this stone road witnesses countless people with ideas, officers, trackers and businessmen, which leave marks of prosperity in history.


According to the research, the stilt houses of Tu nationality style in ancient Gongtan town, were constructed from the Southern Song Dynasty and continue to this day. It is amazing! The stilt houses go through the vicissitudes of the world for years, and its durability may equal to the modern architecture! The hillside stilt houses are well-arranged, plain and beautiful as a poem. The buildings such as the Girl Weaver Building, the Newly-weds Building, and the Embroidered Building convey the beautiful but moving legends to people.


In Gongtan, the stilt-houses, the flagged path, the Monastic temple are built harmoniously with the colonnade, like the nature itself, or perched above the river, or standing by the rock, reflecting the porosity in density, the compaction in spacing, all of these give us a stereoscopic beauty of this ancient town.


As for Gongtan, the great master of the traditional Chinese painting, Luo Guanzhong once said: “it is the Tang Streetit is the Song Street, it is the hometown of my grandmother.”  And his famous painting the Old Street is painting about this ancient city. “ it is said that the Wujiang River beauty is most beautiful place, while no one discover the beauty of Gongtan”an artist of Emei Film Studio used this lyric to praise it. MoreoverGongtan is also the shooting location of many TV plays, such as the Suppress Bandits in Wulin Mountain, Zhao Shiyan, the Magic Man An Shiming, the Flower of Tungoiltree and so on. The International Gongtan rocking-climbing competition was held successfully here. The Gongtan is just like a symphonic epic of the stereoscopic culture.



Chapter 2:Landscape scenery in Gongtan

The sinuous Wujiang River and the Apeng River provide Gongtan with endless essences. With the construction of the Wujiangdu Hydroelectric Power Station, the long and narrow gorges have been replaced by the broad river with the green reflections. The Wujiang River had been wild for thousands of years and now it slows its step and becomes quiet and gentle and it is the first time that Wujiang River owns reflections of green mountains. The river surface which we are skimming over lightly was once the place which people glance upward in the past years; it was once the place where the clouds are wreathed around. The spectacular view of the mountain and river must have been a rare encounter for human being and the nature. However, we must say goodbye to the things in the past for the new birth is waiting for us.


A smooth lake rises in the narrow Wujiang River Gorges and a lot of attractive scenery have been createdthe Gongtan Town which takes the ancient Gongtan city as the core is born. It is scenery owns a harmonious relationship between humanistic landscape and nature. It is quite attractive for its beautiful mountains and rivers.


The Wujiang River rises in XianningGuizhou Province. It flows across the Gongtan TownYouyang city in Chongqing Province and then joins the Yangtze River. It is about 1,070 km. The hundred-mile gallery of Gongtan sceneries involves the reaches from the ancient Gongtan Town of the branch of the Wu River to the reach of the Wanmuit is about 60 km. Coming into the hundred-mile gallery, you will find she is more than a poem, a painting while she is also a epic, a dream in spring, a magic embodiment of the Wujiang River.


The hundred-mile gallery of Wujiang River also has the “three gorges”that isLizhi GorgesBaiji GorgesTutuozi Gorges. However, it is different from the Three Gorges (Yangtze Gorges ), the hundred-mile gallery is like a blue lake in the whole yearthe whole gorges always gives the visitors a good sightseeing. The breathtaking mountains and river, water-in-cavemountain-in-rivermountain-by-riverit is really a fairyland.


Nowadaysthe Haozi and treacherous rapids in the hundred-mile gallery of Wujiang River already pass out of existence. The gallery has gained the gentle characteristic which she has never been. Looking down from the mountain to the gallerywe will find that she has never lost its beauty for the tremendous changes and she is still quite pretty and grand. While the clouds are floating around the mountainsit is just like a wonderful Chinese landscape painting which will take the visitors to the fairyland.


The wetland park in Apeng River is another important part of the Gongtan. She is raising from the Lichuan CityHuibei Province. It flows across Engshi , XianfengQianjiangand joins Wujiang in Gongtan.  It is about 2, 49km and it is the rare river that flows to westward. The deep and serene gorgesthe treacherous rapidsthe ancient karst cavesthe original natural forestthe legendary temptationthe unique culture…all of these make the Apeng River become more charming and all the visitors who come to here will feel close to the nature.


The most representative of Apeng River is the Shengui Gorgesit is about 38.9 miles. It has the wildest natural scenery for it is a large area of land that is not or cannot be inhabited or cultivated. It occupies a special geographic location, the typical topographic featuresthe high mountain and the deep valleythe well-preserved ecological environment.


The karst landforms in Apeng River are various. A great number of beautiful scenic spots are created because of these karst landforms. At this the wonderful and miraculous fieldwe can find the mysterious hanging coffins of Pu peoplethe culture of the Tujia and Miao minority and maybe also the original oxygen that human being has never met.



Chapter 3: National customs in Gongtan

Youyang, an autonomous county of Tujia and miao ethnic groups, is hailed as “the hometown of Tujia hand swinging dance”, therefore Gongtan scenic spot has descended a rich Tujia culture and miao culture. Once your footprints touch upon that field, you will be embraced by the beauty in folk-custom. The unique hand swinging dance, masked drama, corn light show, Tongtong kui(a kind of instrument), folk songs, cymbal playing, funeral dance, and weeping brides will constitute a feast of folk culture for you to enjoy.


Of all the dancing arts of Tujia ethnic minority, baishou dance is the most representative. According to legend, when the king of Tujia tried to conquer Kingdom of Liao, it was the season of spring. And soldiers were very homesick. To cheer up soldiers’ spirits and enhance the morale, the king of Tujia ordered them to entertain themselves by dancing and waving their hands. This was then passed down from generation to generation and formed as a custom which is now so popular among Tujia people. In the past few decades, local artists had worked hard on this art form with the purpose of deepening, sorting and making innovation As a result, the hand swinging dance has been assigned by the Ministry of Culture as the square dance of the masses, who are strongly encouraged to participate. The dance will shine as brightly as the Tujia people, and will be passed down for a thousand generations.


Tujia people have a very romantic nature, which makes this minority exceedingly fascinating and charming. Weddings and funerals take on great character. “Pay homage to deceased person by songs and dances, wail to celebrate marriage”. Funeral dance is an old-aged memorial, during which people will dance vigorously with rhythm in front of the coffin. Optimistic character makes Tujia people brave and open-minded. Correspondingly, wailing at wedding becomes the most characteristic marriage customs. A Tujia girl of age 11 or 12 begins to learn how to cry at wedding. This is an art form which combines singing and crying. Forms of crying can be various. One can cry alone, or in double, or in a group, which just resemble solo, duet and chorus. The girl to be married shall cry with her sisters, and cry when entering the sedan chair until going into the door of her husband’s family. Then she begins her new life.


There are in the Great Gongtan many charming and traditional Mountain Villages of Tujia and Miao minority, of which most stilt-houses are beautifully situated in places with better landscape, let them shinning in lush green bamboo and bridges over flowing streams, and formed these outstanding and excellent houses of ancient folk custom.


People here of Tujia and Miao Nationality follow the principle of “Inject with veins of landscape, cover with verdure hair and favor granted by cloud” while building stilt-houses. They are good at combining the natural landscape to enhance one another's beauty, they use the land reasonably and never occupy cultivated ones, what they are keen on is the balance beauty between environmental esthetics and environmental ecology. Stilt-houses here are all built on slopes and ridge without any one on fertile field; doesn’t this concept of sustainable development deserve people’s reflection upon their behavior today?


Only what is national is global. Stilt-houses don’t only belong to Tujia and Miao minorities, they also belong to Gongtan and Youyang, China and the whole world. The culture of stilt-houses is significant; this kind of ecological building will surely be an important choice for future human dwellings.


Epilogue: the Developing Gongtan


   Everyone who comes to Gongtan, to know it, to understand it, will also perceive a modern and flourishing Gongtan. Here people, their’ life, ideas and soul get purified. People come here for getting their life, thoughts and soul purified.


Even though Gongtan is not very big, yet the owner of it is very generous. Rebuild fully, regenerate completely and this continue the story of a youthful, fire-new up-and-up epoch. In new Gongtan, neighbors are still the same ones; old streets also remain there. The rebuilt Gongtan proves to be a beautiful model for Chinese homeland, and also lay on the first morning light, the new hope, for our earth’s future!





Gongtan, like Apeng River, passes on ancient scenery and living style.

Gongtan, like Wujiang River, history runs deeper and deeper.

Gongtan, like Tu and Miao minority, thousands of years’ ancient beautiful stories and things are narrated.

Gongtan is the magnificently beautiful epicthat you can never complete reading.